Message from Director

The Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture (DKMA), the erstwhile Publications and Information Division (P&I Division), was created along with the establishment of ICAR (the then Imperial Council of Agricultural Research) in the year 1929. The main aim was to compile agricultural information and publish it in the print media for building the capacities of various stakeholders in the agricultural sector. With the passing of time and on the basis of requirement, it was upgraded to Directorate of Information and Publication in Agriculture (DIPA) and subsequently it was further upgraded as Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture (DKMA) vide office order No. F.No. 3-1/2010-GAS (DIPA) dated 27 January 2011. Such changes in the nomenclature and mandate of DKMA were made based on agri-information requirements and the changes in knowledge processing, compiling, and publishing for its dissemination and linking even the last mile in information network. The existence of such a powerful process of knowledge generation and dissemination help promoting intellectual capacity of stakeholders; enhancing wisdom thereby utilization of up-to-date knowledge and modern technologies for benefit of agriculture sector. Read More…

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